Why and when to wear a face covering in Quebec
It's anecdotal, but it seems to us that wearing a mask is contested by several people. According to our observations, not everyone wears it. Additionally, we have had a lot of negative comments on our Facebook ads. It may be a vocal minority, but hey, we were inspired by many comments on our Facebook page to create this page.
In fact, we would like to make sure you know when, how and why to wear the face covering.
When to use a mask or face covering
taken from the Health Canada page:
Wearing a homemade non-medical mask or face covering in the community is recommended in certain circumstances when a distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained between oneself and others, particularly in busy public places, such as :
- The stores
- shopping centers
- public transport
How to use a mask or face covering
extract from the Quebec health page

1. Wash your hands before putting on your face covering, also called a homemade mask.

2. Place the face covering over the nose and mouth using one hand. Using the other hand, secure it behind your ears with the elastics (or string).

3. Adjust your face covering over your nose.

4. Also adjust under your chin.

5. Wash your hands after putting on your face covering.

6. Change the face covering if it is damp, soiled or damaged.

7. Do not keep the face covering hanging around your neck or hanging from one ear. Keep it on your face and avoid touching it. If you touch your face covering while wearing it, wash your hands.

8. To remove the face covering, grasp only the elastics (or strings) without touching the front of the face covering.

9. Fold the outer parts of the face covering over each other and place it in a clean bag. Wash your face covering as soon as you get home with the rest of your laundry.
Why wear a mask or face covering
By Santé Quebec
Not all people infected with COVID-19 have symptoms. Some people may be infected without knowing it. Wearing a face covering, also called a homemade mask, could reduce the risk of an infected person transmitting COVID-19 to others.
The face covering must be used and cleaned properly.